Source Transcriptions and Lookups


1. Register van aangegeven lijken in Stad Almelo 1806-1811 (Civil Death Register).

2.Dopen/Baptisms Almelo 1734-1812.
Until 1791 is complete, after that I am getting them on the web as fast as I can. To get managable file sizes, I split the file in 4 parts:
1780-1812 (complete through 1791)
A searchable database can be found through the "Twents Streek Archief". Click on Zoekmachine in the left sidebar, and then again on Zoekmachine in the main frame. Only years are given.
If you can't find what you need, let me know.

3.Trouwen/Marriages Almelo 1691-1795
Part 1: 1691-1749
Part 2: 1750-1795

These are from the baptismal and marriage book of the Dutch Reformed church in Almelo.
As with all transcriptions: be sure to check the original! The LDS Film# is 0116411.
I want to thank those who have taken the time to point out errors! I appreciate it!


I have a large number of films from Almelo on indefinite loan, and am willing to do lookups and provide scans, if you have an approximate date.

Civil Marriages Stad and Ambt Almelo 1811 - 1922. These are available from the Historisch Center Overijssel.
Deaths Stad and Ambt Almelo 1811-1942. An index is available from Historisch Center Overijssel.

 InstitutionType of Record & Time PeriodLDS Film#
Church recordsDutch ReformedBaptism 1734-1812
Marriages 1691-1795
 Dutch ReformedAlphabetical index of male baptisms 1764- 17970116412
 Roman CatholicBaptisms; Marriages 1784-18120116413
 BaptistBaptisms, Marriages, Church members0116413
Civil registration
before 1811
StadMarriages 1795 - 1811, with index
Banns 1809 - 1811
 Landgericht/Marriages 1795 - 1803, with index0116412
 LandgerichtMarriage enclosures 1803-18110116412
 Stad Death registration 1806 - 1811, with index (see above)0116412
 LandgerichtDeath registration 1806 - 1811, with index0116412
  AlmeloNaamaannemingen (Name changes) 18120116414
Civil RegistrationStadBirths 1811-19120116415, 0116416
 StadMarriages 1811-18620116418, 0421345
 StadDeaths 1811-18580116425, 0116426
 AmbtBirths 1811-18830116427
 AmbtCivil Banns 1811, 1818-18420116428
 AmbtDeaths 1818-18420116435
Court casesLandgerichtProtocol van contentieuse zaken 1750-1802
Verzettingen en Testamenten (Land sales and wills) 1750-1811
 LandgerichtVerzettingen en Testamenten 1750-1811,1763-1810
50e penning (taxlists) 1750-1791
 Hooggericht van de Heerlijkheid AlmeloCourtcases 1766-18051465554

I have the following CD-ROMs and am willing to do lookups:

CBG Jaarboek (1947-1996) en Mededelingen (1947-1994)
Baptismal Records of the Dutch Reformed Churches of the city of Groningen, Netherlands, by JoAnn Riley McKey.  These books cover the period of 1640-1715
Gens Nostra (1946-1995)
Algemeen Nederlandsch Familieblad
De Wapenheraut
Indische Genealogische vereniging
De Nederlandsche Leeuw
De Navorscher

For other transcriptions and primary sources, see my Links page.