Maaike Bijlsma1

F, b. 21 January 1844, d. 11 February 1918
     Maaike Bijlsma was born on 21 January 1844.1 She married S. Rienstra.1 Maaike Bijlsma died on 11 February 1918 in Hawthorne, Passaic County, New Jersey, (61 Bergen Ave).1

Her obituary appeared on 13 February 1918 in the Telegraaf
On 11 Feb. at 5 am, My beloved wife and my children's caring mother MAAIKE RIEMSTRA, b. Bijlsma, passed away quietly and calmly, trusting in her God and Saviour at the age of 74 yr and 21 days. The parting is hard, but the certainty that she died in the conviction that this was for the better, is a consolation to me and the children.
          S. Rienstra, children, in-laws and grandchildren
          61 Bergen Ave, Hawthorne, NJ
(Original is in Dutch).1


  1. [S32] Telegraaf, Feb 13, 1918, pg 5.