Plaza Building1
b. 1929
The Plaza Building was the center of the community. In addition to the stores, the offices of the Radburn Association were located in the building, as well as a number of classrooms, a library and other spaces for use of the residents. After the purchase of Grange Hall some of these functions were transferred there.
The Bulletin, 27 October 1932
Arts and Crafts Guild, 1932
The Bulletin, 27 October 1932
The Bulletin, 27 October 1932
The Bulletin, 27 October 1932
Arts and Crafts Guild, 1932
Arts and Crafts Guild, 1932
Arts and Crafts Guild, 1932
The Bulletin, 27 October 1932
The first meeting of the group studying French Literature will meet in Room 204, Plaza Building. The lectures, given by Kenneth N. McKee of New York University, will be conducted in English. The subject for the first lecture and subsequent discussion is "French Literature Before the Renaissance"; formation of the French language: Song of Roland; Round Table legends; folklore and didactic poems; medieval theater; François Villon; religious and social institutions of the Middle Ages; etc. Registration fee $1.00.2
Arts and Crafts Guild, 1932
Art Class, conducted by Mr N. J. Ressetar. Instruction will be given in painting, and in water color, pencil, charcoal and pen and ink work. Also freehand drawing, perspective and composition. Mr. Ressetar is a graduate architect and has conducted classes in the above subjects in a leading American University. His work was exhibited at the "Traveling Art Exhibits" which were lent to colleges, schools, and museums throughout the United States. He is now a senior designer on the staff of W. and J. Sloane in New York, specializing in furniture, interior decoration, murals and illustration.3
The Bulletin, 27 October 1932
The first service of the New Era of The Church in Radburn will be held on 30 Oct 1932 in the Assembly Room of the Plaza Building and will be conducted by Rev. Deane Edwards, who will preach on "The Trilogy of Spiritual Greatness," John 13:1-4. A special invitation is extended to everyone to join in this hour of worship. The Sunday Church School will meet as usual in the Plaza Building and Children's House.4
The Bulletin, 27 October 1932
The first discussion in the series on "Economics of Health Practices," sponsored by the Health and the Adult Education Committee and featuring local men, will be held on 31 Oct 1932 in the Club Room in the Plaza Building. Mr. R. A. Learned, Executive Secretary of the Society for Instruction in First Aid to the Injured, will discuss and demonstrate first aid practices; attention will be given to fractures, dislocations, sprains; the nervous system, shocks; the blood and its circulation, unconsciousness, fainting, apoplexy; hemorrhage, wounds, poisons and poisening; accidents to the head; convulsions and fits in children; burns. No registration is required for this course on health practices. All are invited.4
The Bulletin, 27 October 1932
On 28 Feb 1932 Dr. Likert will start the first of the six lectures in the Psychology Series, planned by the Education Committee. The topic of the first lecture will be "Emotions: Their Nature and Control." This will include a discussion of the emotions and how they affect our behaviour, and the importance of controling our emotions and different ways of so doing. A period following the lecture has been set aside for discussion. The lecture will take place in Room 204 of the Plaza Building.4
Arts and Crafts Guild, 1932
Furniture Re-covering conducted by Mrs. W. K. Jealous. This group will of necessity meet primarily for consultation and discussion, but small pieces of furniture may be brought to the workshop and a place will be provided for their safe-keeping. Mrs Jealous, who studied at the Boston Museum School of Art, has many practical suggestions on furniture re-covering and the decorative treatment of fabrics. Her practical experience and knowledge have caused her to be retained as consultant on many interior decoration projects.5
Arts and Crafts Guild, 1932
Linoleum Handicraft, conducted by W. F. Tode. Class to meet for personal instruction and critcism on Tuesdays in the Workshop. This class will take up: book plates, block printing (curtains, friezes), decorative panels, screens, tray tops, waste baskets. Mr. Tode is a graduate architect, has practised with a leading Canadian firm of architects and designers, was a consultant on the New York Life Insurance Company Building and is now professionally associated with W. and J. Sloane in New York City as a senior designer, planning, decoration and equipment specialist.3
Arts and Crafts Guild, 1932
Photography Class will meet with Mr. L. B. Dixon. Instruction will be given indeveloping, printing, copying and enlarging. Darkroom and all equipment for this work will be provided. Mr Dixon is a professional photo-finisher and a constructor of precision instruments. He has had as clients for developing, printing, enlarging and copying a group of over fifty local stores. He has the equipment to care for developing fifty roles of film at one time.3