Radburn, A Town for the Motor Age


201-C7 Abbott Road1
b. 1929

     The occupants of 201-C7 Abbott Road were
     in 1931: Henry C Mendenhall1
     in 1933: Gail Bennett2
     in 1935: Cameron M McCurdy3
     in 1937: R. E. Ockford4
     in 1939: John L Milton5
     and in 1941: John M. Ward.6

Henry C Mendenhall was born in 1894 in Alabama.7 He married Elsie W in 1926.1,7 Henry C Mendenhall was a clerk (fruits) and in 1931 a statistician.1,7 Before coming to Radburn Henry lived in Yonkers, New York.7 Henry C Mendenhall and Elsie W Mendenhall moved before 1933 away from Radburn, as there was no longer an entry in the directory.2

Gail Bennett married Dorothy K.2 Gail Bennett was a jeweler in New York.2 On 3 October 1932 the New York Times reported, that Gail Bennett conveyed to Garden Estates, Inc a dwelling in Radburn, subject to three mortgages totaling $10,660. Which house this was is unknown, as he is not listed in the census or the 1931 directory.8 Gail Bennett moved before 1935 from 201-C7 Abbott Road to 201-C5 Abbott Road.3

Cameron M McCurdy married Hazel L (or J).1,2 Cameron M McCurdy moved before 1933 from ? Fair Lawn Ave to 302-H5 Highstreet, then before 1935 to 201-C7 Abbott Road, before 1937 back to 302-H5 Highstreet and before 1941 to 20 Ramapo Terrace.2,3,4,6

John L Milton married Barbara P.5,6 John L Milton was a lawyer in Jersey City.5,6

  1. [S5] 1931 Directory.
  2. [S6] 1933 Directory.
  3. [S7] 1935 Directory.
  4. [S8] 1937 Directory.
  5. [S9] 1939 Directory.
  6. [S10] 1941 Directory.
  7. [S12] Federal Census: 1930. T626, Roll 1668, page 231, line 20-21 (ED 66).
  8. [S22] NY Times, Oct 3, 1932. pg. 32.


Compiler: Afina Broekman

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Site updated on 2 Jan 2008