Radburn, A Town for the Motor Age


17 Randolph Terrace1

     The occupants of 17 Randolph Terrace were
     in 1931 it was listed as vacant1, but
[R-Occupant-1] was living there2
     in 1933: Walter J Wagner3
     in 1935: Gerald Shea4
     in 1937-9: Eric E Weiss5,6
     and in 1941: Eugene C. Colgan.7

Lawrence Russell Jr served in 1931 in the 311th infantry, 78th division, NJ National Guard. Previously he was a 2nd Lt, Inf. Res., unassigned. On June 10 he was ordered to Camp Dix for active duty.8 Lawrence moved before 1933 away from Radburn, as there was never an entry in the directory.

Walter J Wagner married Mildred M.3 Walter J Wagner was a salesman.3 Walter J Wagner and Mildred M Wagner moved before 1935 from 17 Randolph Terrace to 22 Reading Terrace.4

Gerald Shea married Ruth.3 Gerald Shea was a salesman.3 Gerald Shea moved before 1935 from 5 Beekman Place to 17 Randolph Terrace.4 Gerald Shea moved before 1937 to Ridgewood.5

Eric E Weiss married Catherine A.4 Eric E Weiss was a stylist, and in 1937 a silk technician in New York.4,5

  1. [S5] 1931 Directory.
  2. [S22] NY Times.
  3. [S6] 1933 Directory.
  4. [S7] 1935 Directory.
  5. [S8] 1937 Directory.
  6. [S9] 1939 Directory.
  7. [S10] 1941 Directory.
  8. [S22] NY Times, Feb 21, 1931. pg. 24.


Compiler: Afina Broekman

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Site updated on 2 Jan 2008