Radburn, A Town for the Motor Age


18 Ramapo Terrace1

18 Ramapo Terrace was occupied by Arthur H Dooley in 1941.1
This was the first time it was listed.

Arthur H Dooley married Dorothy L.2 Arthur H Dooley was in fire insurance in Newark.2 Arthur H Dooley moved before 1937 from 302-F3 Highstreet to 3 Reading Terrace, and before 1941 to 18 Ramapo Terrace.3,1

  1. [S10] 1941 Directory.
  2. [S7] 1935 Directory.
  3. [S8] 1937 Directory.


Compiler: Afina Broekman

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Site updated on 2 Jan 2008