20B Townley Road1
The occupants of 20B Townley Road were
in 1933: Stevenson B Whitehead1
in 1935: Harold W Wallbank2
and in 1937-41: Robert L. Beall3,4,5
In 1931 it was not listed.6
Stevenson B Whitehead married Ruth P.1 Stevenson B Whitehead was a salesman.1 Stevenson B Whitehead moved before 1935 from 20B Townley Road to 7 Burlington Place, and before 1937 to 6 Ashburn Place.2,3
Harold W Wallbank married Alice.2 Harold W Wallbank was a supervisor at the Telephone Company.2 Harold W Wallbank moved before 1937 away from Radburn, as there was no longer an entry in the directory.3
in 1933: Stevenson B Whitehead1
in 1935: Harold W Wallbank2
and in 1937-41: Robert L. Beall3,4,5
In 1931 it was not listed.6
Stevenson B Whitehead married Ruth P.1 Stevenson B Whitehead was a salesman.1 Stevenson B Whitehead moved before 1935 from 20B Townley Road to 7 Burlington Place, and before 1937 to 6 Ashburn Place.2,3
Harold W Wallbank married Alice.2 Harold W Wallbank was a supervisor at the Telephone Company.2 Harold W Wallbank moved before 1937 away from Radburn, as there was no longer an entry in the directory.3