Radburn, A Town for the Motor Age


(118/156) Fair Lawn Ave1

     It never did belong to Radburn proper, although it was located within the Radburn census district in 1930, and is still designated as Radburn in the 1931 and 1933 Directories.2 The address was located between Sandford Road and Craig Road, next to Grange Hall.2 Louis Sisto appeared on the 1930 Census as the head of household at (118/156) Fair Lawn Ave, with May as wife, and their child Louis.1 The monthly rent was $50.-.1

  1. [S1] 1930 Federal Census, T626, Roll 1312: sheet 5B (153), line 86-88.
  2. [S5] 1931 Directory.


Compiler: Afina Broekman

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