Radburn, A Town for the Motor Age
1933 Alphabetical Directory


Abidin, James G22 Randolph Terrace
Ackerson, John T3 Burnham Place
Ahrens, Willis201-B32 Abbott Road
Aldrich, Charles M4 Beekman Place
Amesbury, J Richard332B Plaza Road
Anderson, Paul A302-F33 Highstreet
Angermann, Paul O302-H6 Highstreet
Armstrong, Hugh315 Plaza Road
Atkinson, Joseph W14 Arlington Place
Bailey, Charles S302-G42 Highstreet
Bailey, G William8 Audubon Place
Bailey, John A201-C21 Abbott Road
Barker, Harold E21 Randolph Terrace
Baxley, C Herbert11 Burnham Place
Belay, William J326A Plaza Road
Bell, DeWitt B20 Reading Terrace
Bender, Walter3 Bedford Place
Benner, Richard9 Bristol Place
Bennett, Gail201-C7 Abbott Road
Bergeron, William E3 Bancroft Place
Beusmann, Anna319 Howard Ave
Bielitz, Percy9 Beekman Place
Bingham, John W7 Bolton Place
Bird, J LeGrand201-B31 Abbott Road
Bishop, Grant N302-F24 Highstreet
Bixler, Robert C10 Randolph Terrace
Blair, James T14B Townley Road
Blakley, George R8 Brighton Place
Blundell, J Stuart5 Burnham Place
Blundell, Jessie M201-D6 Abbott Road
Bode, Herbert A7 Burnham Place
Boes, Herbert W344B Plaza Road
Boeuquardez, Patrick A9 Aberdeen Place
Bogert, E Stanley302-G1 Highstreet
Bolleter, Werner G302-G31 Highstreet
Boyd, George E9 Ashburn Place
Boyer, Jerome2 Burnham Place
Bradley, Stanley A7 Bedford Place
Braun, Milton M9 Bolton Place
Brennan, Ralph J300 Howard Ave
Brewer, Joseph L10 Allen Place
Brewer, Rollin T303 Plaza Road
Bristol, James E1 Bedford Place
Bristol, Raymond M12 Bolton Place
Broderick, James J309 Plaza Road
Broedell, John23 Reading Terrace
Brown, Hubert E14 Reading Terrace
Burger, Gustav H4 Bancroft Place
Burke, Frederick J12 Bancroft Place
Burnhardt, John(134/172) Fair Lawn Ave
Buser, Lina201-D24 Abbott Road
Cady, R Boyd302-F3 Highstreet
Canale, John B5 Burlington Place
Carlson, Carl S18 Aberdeen Place
Carlton, Roger C338A Plaza Road
Carroll, Harold C3 Bolton Place
Casey, John347 Owen Avenue
Cecil, Arthur D328A Plaza Road
Chappelle, Leland A3 Brighton Place
Children's House, the Fair Lawn Avenue
Christel, John201-C2 Abbott Road
Chrystal, Maurice(132/170) Fair Lawn Ave
Clarke, Robert J340 Howard Ave
Cohen, Robert J5 Aberdeen Place
Coleman, McAlister8 Brearley Crescent
Condon, Joseph F302 Howard Ave
Connors, Raymond M16 Reading Terrace
Cook, Joseph O W201-A4 Abbott Road
Cooley, Harold A4 Berkeley Place
Cooper, George M12 Bedford Place
Cordes, Harry W6 Arlington Place
Covey, Arnold B201-C24 Abbott Road
Cox, Joseph D18 Reading Terrace
Coyle, Virginia D201-C34 Abbott Road
Crane, Roy S7 Brighton Place
Crawford, Alexander201-C32 Abbott Road
Davidson, Earl24B Townley Road
Davidson, Frederick C330 Howard Ave
Davis, Clara L201-D3 Abbott Road
Davis, Lewis E8 Bolton Place
De Forest, Elisabeth10 Brighton Place
DeBaum, Annie8 Berkeley Place
Deckard, Howard C11A Berkeley Place
deLaMare, Alpheus T19 Randolph Terrace
Dennett, H Clay201-B21 Abbott Road
Denny, George V,Jr316 Howard Ave
Devereaux, Martin333 Plaza Road
Devlin, Thomas E11 Bristol Place
Dibb, John6 Brighton Place
Dickson, Edward6 Aberdeen Place
Doan, Franklyn E201-C23 Abbott Road
Donnally, Paul A3 Burlington Place
Dorau, Armand C9 Arlington Place
Dorsey, Robert L201-C26 Abbott Road
Downes, Robert W302-H37 Highstreet
Drager, Alvin E311 Plaza Road
Duerr, Karl B10 Burnham Place
Duke, John B9 Burnham Place
Dunsby, Walter E5 Allen Place
Dutch House, The Fair Lawn Avenue
Eastwood, Floyd R4 Brighton Place
Eckweiler, Herbert W9 Ballard Place
Eddy, Albert C18 Brearley Crescent
Edwards, Deane5 Audubon Place
Edwards, Lewis10 Audubon Place
Elbow, C William3 Audubon Place
Ellms, Edward H4 Reading Terrace
Ely, Richard T2 Audubon Place
Embry, Joseph P341 Howard Ave
Enright, Helen R3 Bancroft Place
Eoff, Robert1 Beekman Place
Erdmann, Kenneth R350B Plaza Road
Evans, Richard B4 Burnham Place
Exner, Frank5 Bristol Place
Fay, Diana M6 Brearley Crescent
Fay, Sidney W340B Plaza Road
Fee, Christopher J330A Plaza Road
Feinler, John328 Howard Ave
Fermier, Dudley18 Randolph Terrace
Ferry, Theodore K4 Aberdeen Place
Ficker, Carleton H9 Audubon Place
Fletcher, Alfred M4B Townley Road
Fox, Frank317 Plaza Road
Fox, Ruth,MD8 Brearley Crescent
Fraser, Cauldwell N321 Plaza Road
Frei, Frederick J11 Allen Place
Gage, Philip18B Townley Road
Galusha, William B325 Plaza Road
Garner, Robert V22 Reading Terrace
Gatchell, Oliver W2 Aberdeen Place
Gates, Charles L1 Allen Place
Gay, M Gordon8 Bedford Place
Gaylord, Robert T302-F30 Highstreet
Gee, J Milton201-C31 Abbott Road
Gelston, Hamilton W3 Berkeley Place
Geskes, William11 Aberdeen Place
Glatzel, Joseph J302-G21 Highstreet
Golburgh, Maxwell(123/161) Fair Lawn Ave
Goodell, Donald R11A Aberdeen Place
Gooss, Lawrence W10 Reading Terrace
Gordon, James L14 Beekman Place
Gover, Helen B7 Reading Terrace
Grady, Joseph A302-H27 Highstreet
Gray, Ethel I10 Berkeley Place
Green, Edward H6 Ballard Place
Grier, Albert G10B Townley Road
Grimes, William F327 Howard Ave
Grosch, Philip H9 Allen Place
Gunther, Harry W11 Brighton Place
Guss, M Frances7 Audubon Place
Gwynne, Alfred B302-F31 Highstreet
Haas, Roger G9 Burlington Place
Hall, Grange Fair Lawn Avenue
Hall, Oliver C1 Burlington Place
Hase, Walter K2 Bedford Place
Haskell, Alexander C16A Townley Road
Hastings, Donald F12 Arlington Place
Hastings, Frank C,Jr4 Bolton Place
Hatch, Herbert H201-B43 Abbott Road
Hayes, Carl W7 Burlington Place
Haynes, Edward C318B Plaza Road
Haywood, Harold B3 Aberdeen Place
Healy, Eliza201-A25 Abbott Road
Hedman, Ray10 Beekman Place
Heffern, Adrian F10 Aberdeen Place
Helmus, Weldon G302-E23 Highstreet
Hemingway, Isabella201-D26 Abbott Road
Hemsath, Frederick A12 Burnham Place
Hemschoot, Paul(135/173) Fair Lawn Ave
Henders, Charles H3 Ashburn Place
Henderson, Ethelyn10 Arlington Place
Henn, Theodore L6 Bolton Place
Hennion, William H5 Ashburn Place
Herbert, Harry A201-B22 Abbott Road
Herdt, Clarence(125/163) Fair Lawn Ave
Hewson, Harry E323 Plaza Road
Hickey, Arthur J4 Ballard Place
Holt, Wainright7 Allen Place
Hopkins, Arthur I18 Beekman Place
Hopkins, Edward R302-E4 Highstreet
Horton, Nelson E22B Townley Road
Howell, Sidney P7 Aberdeen Place
Hudson, Robert B201-B23 Abbott Road
Hughes, G G,Dairy Fair Lawn Avenue
Hull, Donald B,MD Fair Lawn Avenue
Hull, Laural L352B Plaza Road
Hungerford, Daniel C201-C30 Abbott Road
Hutchinson, Kenneth L6 Beekman Place
Inglish, James14 Randolph Terrace
Irving, Albert S,MD318 Howard Ave
Jackson, John C11 Bancroft Place
Jacobs, Raymond P350 Owen Avenue
Jadick, Michael T14 Burnham Place
Jefferies, Harry H201-C22 Abbott Road
Jonas, Roy K21 Reading Terrace
Joynt, James E1 Reading Terrace
Katz, Carl1 Audubon Place
Keeton, Joseph E201-A24 Abbott Road
Kellman, Herbert11A Randolph Terrace
Kennedy, Joseph F16B Townley Road
Kerr, Frederick G8 Allen Place
Kiernan, Francis T302-H4 Highstreet
King, Victor E8 Arlington Place
Kingsland, Clifford S302-H24 Highstreet
Kirkland, Joseph B14 Bolton Place
Knight, William E H302-G32 Highstreet
Knott, Thomas P1 Berkeley Place
Knott, William M5 Arlington Place
Kofoed, William A201-B40 Abbott Road
Kolb, Lee8 Beekman Place
Kyle, Robert H201-B20 Abbott Road
Lackman, William F302-G23 Highstreet
LaForge, Minnie201-D4 Abbott Road
LaHiff, Thomas F,Jr332A Plaza Road
Langan, Donald B8A Townley Road
Lange, John D7 Bancroft Place
Lanning, Fulton201-C20 Abbott Road
Larabee, Alfred E11 Randolph Terrace
Lauerman, William D5 Brighton Place
Lawn, Dorothy C8 Bancroft Place
Lazo, William C5 Ashburn Place
Learned, Richard A302-G40 Highstreet
Leet, Arthur F6 Bancroft Place
Lenhart, John8 Berkeley Place
Likert, Rensis24 Randolph Terrace
Lloyd, Donald1 Aberdeen Place
Lobdell, Charles E9 Randolph Terrace
Lober, Alexander302-F26 Highstreet
Loucks, Burton H5 Bedford Place
Lovejoy, Frederick K10 Bancroft Place
Lucey, Richard A324B Plaza Road
Lyall, William L,Jr201-B6 Abbott Road
Lyle, Floyd10 Bolton Place
MacCoun, Townsend D322A Plaza Road
MacFall, Russell C11 Bolton Place
Mackey, Elmer7 Ashburn Place
Maddock, Edward G7 Berkeley Place
Marshall, John4 Brearley Crescent
Martin, Louis12 Aberdeen Place
Mason, Fred H201-B4 Abbott Road
May, George,Jr334B Plaza Road
Mays, Mint M13 Brighton Place
McCaw, Alexander G12 Brearley Crescent
McCollough, Clifford H20A Townley Road
McConnel, W George6 Burnham Place
McCullough, Olga H201-A27 Abbott Road
McCurdy, Cameron M302-H5 Highstreet
McCutcheon, Chester A302-G6 Highstreet
McFarland, David E,Jr332 Howard Ave
McGowan, McDowell352A Plaza Road
McKee, Kenneth N324A Plaza Road
McMullen, Frederick C346B Plaza Road
Meakle, Jessie E338B Plaza Road
Meeker, Samuel3 Beekman Place
Meyer, C Julia201-A35 Abbott Road
Middlemas, Roy S5 Berkeley Place
Mitchell, Edward F9 Berkeley Place
Mitchell, William D4 Burlington Place
Montgomery, Lambert L342A Plaza Road
Morison, Norman W11 Berkeley Place
Morrison, John341 Owen Avenue
Morse, Herbert O201-B42 Abbott Road
Murray, J Lawrence302-G41 Highstreet
Myer, Lloyd S302-F22 Highstreet
Neilly, Henry McD14 Berkeley Place
Nelson, Hilding B9 Reading Terrace
New Jersey Bell Telephone Co., the Fair Lawn Avenue
Newham, Herman E14 Brighton Place
Nichol, Jackson A302-F36 Highstreet
Noren, Arthur T11 Burlington Place
Norton, Victor C16 Brearley Crescent
Nowicki, Eve B4 Audubon Place
O'Connor, George K331 Plaza Road
O'Connor, Helen M302-F21 Highstreet
O'Hara, V Winthrop2A Townley Road
O'Hea, John A328B Plaza Road
Parmelli, Mario S201-A6 Abbott Road
Partridge, Hugh R1 Bolton Place
Patterson, John R11A Reading Terrace
Pausley, Charles12 Burlington Place
Payne, Neill N8 Aberdeen Place
Penman, Herbert J1 Bristol Place
Perscheid, John W.14 Brearley Crescent
Pettis, Bertina R302-F2 Highstreet
Phelan, Edward201-C36 Abbott Road
Phragmen, Johan E201-A34 Abbott Road
Pigott, C Montague201-C3 Abbott Road
Pine, Maurice M201-C33 Abbott Road
Piperoux, Rene P343 Owen Avenue
Platt, Abraham S22A Townley Road
Porter, Randall E3 Randolph Terrace
Powell, Garrett325 Howard Ave
Prendergast, Harland P313 Plaza Road
Price, Leslie D4 Randolph Terrace
Pritchard, Charles C11A Allen Place
Proescholdt, Albert V322B Plaza Road
Purcell, William J19 Reading Terrace
Quinn, John F326 Howard Ave
Radburn Brick & Supply Co, the Plaza Road
Radburn Public School, the Howard Ave
Radburn Riding Academy, the Fair Lawn Avenue
Radburn Shoe Repairing,204 Fair Lawn Ave
Radcliffe, Hartley6 Allen Place
Rain, Burton L17 Bancroft Place
Rand, Lenox H7 Randolph Terrace
Rea, James R201-B30 Abbott Road
Reck, Bernard G302-F7 Highstreet
Reich, Harry H9 Brighton Place
Reil, Ethel B201-B1 Abbott Road
Ressetar, Nicholas J8 Randolph Terrace
Reyle, Edward L3 Allen Place
Riccobene, Peter J2 Burlington Place
Rice, Charles A302-F5 Highstreet
Richardson, Leslie8 Reading Terrace
Robb, Kenneth E3 Ballard Place
Robbie, Kenneth E8B Townley Road
Roeder, William S4 Allen Place
Roesch, Constance H320B Plaza Road
Rogers, William C2 Arlington Place
Romaine, Eldon V335 Howard Ave
Rose, R Nelson348B Plaza Road
Ross, Raymond T201-A37 Abbott Road
Roth, William T12 Berkeley Place
Rouclere, Harold302-E3 Highstreet
Rowe, John W345 Owen Avenue
Russell, Albert H16 Bancroft Place
Russell, Carl R9 Bedford Place
Ryan, Leo J17 Beekman Place
Sage, Blodgett10 Brearley Crescent
Scarr, Henry F15 Reading Terrace
Schaeffler, Joseph A2 Reading Terrace
Schilling, Francis J14 Bancroft Place
Schlinker, Bertram E302-G22 Highstreet
Schnurr, Martin K15 Aberdeen Place
Schongar, Harry A12 Randolph Terrace
Schoonmaker, Paul G,Jr302-F20 Highstreet
Schwartz, Alfred F4 Ashburn Place
Seebass, Helen344A Plaza Road
Shaifer, Carl H12B Townley Road
Shea, Gerald5 Beekman Place
Shields, J Lawrence307 Plaza Road
Shockley, Victor R11 Arlington Place
Sisco, Harry J(119/157) Fair Lawn Ave
Sites, Kenneth G11 Reading Terrace
Skelton, George G15 Berkeley Place
Slavin, Harry T3 Arlington Place
Smith, Clarence G15 Ballard Place
Smith, Elmer A12 Allen Place
Smith, George K13 Burnham Place
Smith, Harry D302-G4 Highstreet
Smith, John G335 Plaza Road
Smith, Matthew A334 Howard Ave
Sollas, Thomas V5 Reading Terrace
Specialty Shop, The203 High Street
Speer, Howard R2 Ashburn Place
Sperry, Sarah J302-E24 Highstreet
Spittal, Ronald4 Arlington Place
Standard Oil Co. of NJ, the Fair Lawn Avenue
Stanley, Arthur W12 Reading Terrace
Stanley, Harold D302-G33 Highstreet
Stark, Lowell R7 Beekman Place
Sterling, John A8 Burlington Place
Stevenson, James M14 Bedford Place
Stillman, Kenneth L16 Bolton Place
Stoclos, Steve(131/169) Fair Lawn Ave
Strauss, Joseph324 Howard Ave
Strehl, John H(133/171) Fair Lawn Ave
Strickler, Lee F201-D23 Abbott Road
Strickler, Lee F201-D24 Abbott Road
Strong, Edith E201-B33 Abbott Road
Stuart, J Nelson16 Randolph Terrace
Swales, Samuel F8 Burnham Place
Swallow, Richard B24 Reading Terrace
Sylvester, Milton E336B Plaza Road
Taffany, Edward E330B Plaza Road
Taylor, Elmore D201-B41 Abbott Road
Thackaberry, Mark W7 Bristol Place
Thomas, George A11A Beekman Place
Timmerman, Stanley G1 Burnham Place
Tode, William I20 Randolph Terrace
Tucker, Horatio S18 Bancroft Place
Twigg, George,Jr1 Randolph Terrace
VanHorn, Byron1 Arlington Place
VanNort, Lawrence N2 Berkeley Place
VanOrman, Frances17 Aberdeen Place
VanRiper, John C6 Berkeley Place
Veile, Frederick2 Randolph Terrace
Vickerman, Edwin F12 Beekman Place
Vogt, Theodore B H5 Bancroft Place
Volunteer Fire Co. No. 1, the Fair Lawn Avenue
Von Holn, William G302-G43 Highstreet
Vultee, Howard F12 Brighton Place
Wagner, Walter J17 Randolph Terrace
Walker, John O8 Ashburn Place
Wall, Lewis B348A Plaza Road
Ward, Frank,Jr6 Burlington Place
Warren, Walter K5 Randolph Terrace
Webster, Fred E4 Bedford Place
Weiss, Charles G6 Audubon Place
Wellenkamp, Paul G15 Bancroft Place
Wells, Edward B14 Aberdeen Place
Wentworth, Carl M6 Bedford Place
Werther, Sydney13 Bancroft Place
Wetzlar, Julius G15 Bedford Place
Whan, Douglas T336A Plaza Road
Wheaton, James S6 Randolph Terrace
Wheeler, Harold K23 Randolph Terrace
Whitcomb, Frank340A Plaza Road
Whitehead, Stevenson B20B Townley Road
Wightman, Everett G346A Plaza Road
Wilkens, Raymond H16 Berkeley Place
Willcox, Edward C13 Burlington Place
Williams, George C16 Aberdeen Place
Williams, George V S201-C5 Abbott Road
Williams, John M6 Ashburn Place
Williamson, George P305 Plaza Road
Wilson, Edward Firth10 Ashburn Place
Wilson, Joseph W15 Beekman Place
Wilson, LeRoy A201-A5 Abbott Road
Wineman, F Judson6A Townley Road
Wood, Kenneth B2 Beekman Place
Wooding, Minnie V5 Bolton Place
Wright, Elizabeth202 Fair Lawn Ave
Wright, James M2 Allen Place
Wyman, Evelyn15 Randolph Terrace
Yake, Robert J10 Burlington Place
Yarwood, Williams A9 Bancroft Place
Young, Gordon C333 Howard Ave
Zabriskie, Charles W7 Arlington Place
Zachmann, Emil H318A Plaza Road
Zaisser, Carl W319 Plaza Road
Zeller, Howard Y14 Allen Place


Compiler: Afina Broekman

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Site updated on 2 Jan 2008